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sweet sweat: 이미지
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Thesis project for Masters in Animation at Estonian Academy of Arts
에스토니아 예술대학 석사과정 졸업작품
2018, 06'30''
A child recognizes the erotic relationship between parents. Curious but overwhelmed, the child takes control.
아이는 엄마가 자신에게 주는 사랑이 아빠에게 향한 사랑과 다르다는 것을 알게 된다. 궁금함 반, 무서움 반, 아이는 자기 나름의 대응책을 찾는다
sweet sweat: 텍스트
"This outrageous film is a visual feast of texture and sensuality.... brilliant synthesis of image, story, and sound, culminating in its strong ending."
- Waltraud Grausgruber
Festival Director of Tricky Women/Tricky Realities
"이렇게 노련하게 만들어진 강렬함은 역시 고전적이라고 할 수밖에 없다.
이것은 앞으로도 기억될만한 정통성을 지닌 작품에 붙이고 싶었던 말이다."
- 유수민, 2018 인디애니페스트 관객심사단
sweet sweat: 텍스트
Best Animated Student Short Film, Imaginaria Film Festival, Conversano, Italy
Prize for First Flight, Indie-Anifest, Seoul, Korea
Second Prize, Mecal Pro Barcelona International Short and Animation Festival, Barcelona, Spain
Special Mention of the Jury Member, Primanima, Budaörs, Hungary
Special Mention for the best student animation, European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA, Belgrade, Serbia
November 25 - 29 ANIMASIVO, Mexico City, Mexico
October 15 - 18 Animatricks, Helsinki, Finland
August 20 - 24 Hiroshima Animation Festival, Hiroshima, Japan
March 19 - 22 Athens Animafest, Athens, Greece
December 3 - 8 Sommets du cinéma d’animation – Montreal International Festival, Montreal, Canada
November 27 - December 1 Anilogue International Animation Festival, Budapest, Hungary
November 21 International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima, Krakow, Poland
November 16 Villeurbanne Short Film Festival, Villeurbanne, France
November 9 - 17 KABOOM Animation Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
October 30 - November 2 Primanima World Festival of First Animations, Budaörs, Hungary
October 28 - November 2 CRAFT International Animation Festival, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
October 24 - 27 Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Fredrikstad, Norway
October 23 - 27 Wiesbaden International Festival of Animation, Wiesbaden, Germany
October 11 - 20 Taichung International Animation Festival, Taichung, Taiwan
October 4 - 13 Animest International Animation Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania
October 4 - 12 Animatou, Geneva, Switzerland
October 4 - 6 Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival, Baltimore, USA
September 25 - 29 Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ottawa, Canada
August 21 - 25 Turku Animated Film Festival, Turku, Finland
August 19 - 24 Imaginaria, Conversano, Italy
July 19 Indie-AniTour, Himeji, Japan
July 18 - 22 Insomnia Festival, Moscow, Russia
July 1 - 2 Sardinia Film Festival, Sassari, Italy
June 27 - 30 Fest Anča, Zilina, Slovakia
June 10 - 15 Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Annecy, France
June 1 - 2 Indie-AniTour, Nagoya, Japan
April 30 - May 5 Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Stuttgart, Germany
April 19 - 21 Indie-AniTour, Tokyo, Japan
April 18 - 20 Yale Student Film Festival, New Hampshire, USA
April 6 - 10 Indie-AniTour, Osaka, Japan
April 4 - 6 Spectral Film Festival, Stevens Point, United States
April 2 - 8 Animakom Fest, Bilbao, Spain
March 28 - April 14 Mecal Pro Barcelona International Short and Animation Festival, Barcelona, Spain
March 13 - 17 TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES International Animation Filmfestival, Vienna, Austria
Feburary 21 Cardiff Animation Night, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Feburary 7 EKA animatsiooni osakonna linastus: 100 rahvusvahelist auhinda, Tallinn, Estonia
December 3 - 9 Animateka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
November 20 - 28 PÖFF Shorts, Tallinn, Estonia
November 16, 18 ASFF - As Film Festival, Rome, Italy
November 14 Indie-Anifest encore screening at Chungkang College of Cultural Industry, Icheon, Korea
October 25 - 27 Prime the Animation, Valencia, Spain
October 20 - 29 Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow, Russia
October 19 - Nov 5 Moscow Animation Marathon, Moscow, Russia
October 19 - 23 Bucheon International Animation Festival, Bucheon, South Korea
October 3-6 Bit Bang Fest, Buenos Aires, Argentina
October 2 - 6 BALKANIMA, Belgrade, Serbia
October 1 - 6 Tofuzi, Batumi, Georgia
September 26-30 AnimaSyros International Animation Festival + Agora, Cyclades, Greece
September 25 - 30 Ars Independent Festival, Katowice, Poland
September 13 - 18 Indie-Anifest Seoul, Korea
September 13 Sweet. Semi-Sweet. Dry, Tallinn, Estonia
June 21 Estonian Academy of Art Graduation Ceremony, Tallinn, Estonia
June 20 Sweet. Semi-Sweet. Dry, Tartu, Estonia
June 16 Sweet. Semi-Sweet. Dry, St. Petersburg, Russia
June 13 Sweet. Semi-Sweet. Dry, Tallinn, Estonia - World Premiere
Korea Animation Collection 2018, p48-49.
Jung Hyun Kim, Animateka, 2018.12.09.
Meet the 8 Estonian Animation Shorts at PÖFF Shorts, Zippy Frames, 2018.11.12.
sweet sweat: 텍스트
sweet sweat: Pro Gallery
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